For many of us engaged in the world of Internet of Things (IoT), anyone suggesting that the IoT paradigm is merely a passing fashion might be considered at best ill-informed***. Proof, if I can call it that, are the many, many practical use cases that IoT and it’s sister acronym, the Industrial IoT (IIoT) (and Industry 4.0) have in the market today. Indeed (if any more were needed), the many customer stories presented at IBM’s foremost customer IoT event, the IBM Genius of Things (IBMGoT) on February 18th in Munich, Germany only serve to re-confirm my sentiments; IoT is here, it’s practical and it’s valuable. Continue reading
Are current product development practices fit for purpose in the IOT world?
The Internet of Things (IOT) promises a step change in the added-value of tomorrow’s products. Of course the intelligent connection of product and services offers significant value-add to (companies and) users, but it’s not just the end-user that benefits. Manufacturers can enhance new products with features and services that deliver additional revenues and profit; potentially over lengthy timeframes.