I remember a few years ago, speaking on topics of AI and thinking machines, only to be critiqued (by some, not all) of my analyst colleagues for having expectations well beyond accepted realms of timescales and possibility. Visiting IBM’s World of Watson event in November proved that not only was I right, but even (dare I say it) not aggressive enough on my expectations. Continue reading
Autodesk University 2016 – What’s shiny and new…and a transformation from products to platforms
The key insights that I took away from Autodesk University this year were not solely centred on what’s ‘shiny and new’, but also to ‘what’s yet to come’. Continue reading
Autodesk – Aiming to Accelerate ahead of their competitors.
Autodesk’s 2016 Accelerate event – Cloud led, positive customers, excited prospects and approachable employees. In my eyes a positively transforming business. Continue reading